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Cyfarchion cynnes iawn i chi i gyd a chroeso i wefan Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Myrddin.  Ysgol Uwchradd benodedig Gymraeg yw Bro Myrddin a daw'r disgyblion atom o dref hynafol Caerfyrddin ac o ardaloedd cefn gwlad prydferth ochr orllewinol a gogleddol y Sir. Ymfalchïwn yn safonau academaidd cyson uchel yr ysgol, ac mae ystod eang o weithgareddau allgyrsiol hefyd yn hynod o bwysig inni, gyda disgyblion yn profi llwyddiant mewn amrywiol feysydd. Mae cyfrannu at ddiwylliant Cymreig a Chymraeg trwy lu o weithgareddau gan gynnwys gwaith y Pwyllgor Cymreictod Torri Arfer, yr Urdd a'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn allweddol bwysig, fel mae ein cyfraniad i'r gymuned leol, trwy waith elusennol, gwaith gwirfoddol ac amryw gysylltiadau eraill. Porwch drwy dudalennau ein gwefan er mwyn i chi ddysgu mwy am ein gwaith ac er mwyn i chi gael blas ar fywyd yr ysgol.  

A welcome message by the Headteacher
A very warm welcome to the Bro Myrddin Welsh Comprehensive School website. Bro Myrddin is a secondary school teaching the vast majority of subjects in Welsh. Pupils come to us from the ancient town of Carmarthen and the rural areas of the western and northern side of the beautiful County.  We are proud of the consistently high school academic standards, and a wide range of extra-curricular activities are also very important for us, with pupils experiencing success in various fields. The contribution to Welsh culture through a host of activities including the Welshness Torri Arfer Committee, and the Urdd and National Eisteddfod is of key importance, as are our contribution to the local community through charity work, volunteer work and various other links. Browse through our website for more information and to get a taste of the hustle and bustle of the school.


Dr Llinos Jones

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